30 May 2011


to ensure that these are transported to the distribution points in time and that they are distributed properly. It also requires thetrict administration to identify the most needy persons and ensure that the commodities are made available to them.  It involves management and maintenanDISTRICT AT A GLANCE
Objective :
Civil supplies has been one of the largest net works of Government through which it has been able to reach even the most interior villages and ensure availability of essential commodities to the Public. 
After the allocations of various commodities are made at the State level, the responsibility lies with the district administration to ensure that these are transported to the distribution points in time and that they are distributed properly. It also requires the district administration to identify the most needy persons and ensure that the commodities are made available to them.  It involves management and maintenance of huge quantities of perishable goods, their transportation in time and effective supervision over the distribution
ce of huge quantities of perishable goods, their transportation in time and effective supervision over the distribution

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